May 31, 2024

A Guide on When to See a Cardiologist

Discover the signs indicating the right time to consult a cardiologist for optimal heart health.

A Guide on When to See a Cardiologist
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Every 40 seconds, someone in the United States has a heart attack. Don't wait until you've had a heart attack to take your heart health seriously!

The body provides very clear signs to tell you when to see a cardiologist. By paying attention to how you've been feeling, you can receive treatment and take care of your heart before you have a serious cardiac event. Here are the common signs that you should see a cardiologist.

You've Been Experiencing Chest Pain

While not all chest pain is related to your heart health, if you've been experiencing any kind of ongoing chest pain you should start searching for a "cardiologist near me". You should especially see a cardiologist if your pain worsens with physical activity.

You Have High Blood Pressure

One of the most obvious signs that you should see a cardiologist is high blood pressure. Increased blood pressure means that your heart is working harder to pump blood through the arteries. This increase in effort can result in a heart attack or stroke.

What does a cardiologist do for high blood pressure? A cardiologist can determine why you have high blood pressure and come up with a treatment plan to ease the amount of work your heart is putting in through medications or surgery.

You Feel Short of Breath or Dizzy

While everyone feels short of breath occasionally (especially after a workout), you should feel perpetually out of breath while doing your normal day-to-day activities. Dizziness upon standing can also be a sign that you have an abnormal heart rhythm, coronary artery disease, or another heart-related condition.

Heart Disease Is In Your Family History

If anyone in your family had early onset heart disease, you should regularly see a cardiologist to confirm the health of your heart and take preventative measures against heart disease. This is especially true if you have a history of high cholesterol or blood pressure yourself. The best cardiologist will be happy to see you even if you're in perfect health because they can help you determine your risk level.

You Are Starting an Active Lifestyle

Seeing a cardiologist is not a bad idea if you've been living a fairly inactive lifestyle and decide to start a fitness regimen. As you make this healthy lifestyle change, you want to be sure that you're beginning your active lifestyle in a way your body is ready to sustain. A cardiologist can assess the range of exercise your body is currently ready to take on and prescribe cardio treatment if necessary.

Knowing When to See a Cardiologist Can Save Your Life

The bottom line is that knowing when to see a cardiologist can end up saving your life. Don't ignore the tell-tale signs that something is wrong. If you have chest pain, high blood pressure, or shortness of breath, it's time to make the call.

Are you concerned about your heart health? Contact us for an appointment today!

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